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Monday, 27 Aug 2012

Official Notice: Amended Stage 6 CCAFL Continuers Syllabuses and HSC Examination Specifications

BOS 26/12

Who needs to read this notice:
Curriculum coordinators
HSC coordinators
Head teachers languages
Teachers of CCAFL languages


The Stage 6 CCAFL Continuers syllabuses and HSC examination specifications for Armenian, Croatian, Dutch, Filipino, Hindi, Hungarian, Khmer, Macedonian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, Swedish, Tamil, Turkish and Ukrainian have been amended.

The new specifications include a balance of responding in the target language and in English. This provides students with greater opportunity to demonstrate what they know, understand and can do. The standard of student response expected at each performance band however remains unchanged.

The amended syllabuses will be first examined in the HSC in 2013.

Key amendments to the syllabuses are:

  • The inclusion of a description of audience in Section 8.3: Tasks
  • The revision of Section 8.4: Text Types by
  1. removing the prescribed text types for receptive use in internal and external assessments
  2. revising the prescribed text types that students can be asked to produce in internal and external assessments.

Key amendments to the examination specifications are:

  • The written examination will be 2 hours and 30 minutes plus 10 minutes reading time
  • Section I: Listening and responding will be worth 30 marks. There will be three questions in both Parts A and B. Each part will be worth 15 marks.
  • Section II: Reading and responding will be worth 25 marks. There will be two questions in Part A worth 10 marks. There will be one question in Part B worth 15 marks.
  • Section III: Writing will be worth 20 marks.

The oral examination will remain unchanged.

The amended Stage 6 CCAFL Continuers syllabuses, and assessment and examination materials for Armenian, Croatian, Dutch, Filipino, Hindi, Hungarian, Khmer, Macedonian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, Swedish, Tamil, Turkish and Ukrainian are available to download from the syllabus section of the Board’s website.


For further information:
Howard Jacobs
Inspector, Languages
(02) 9367 8152