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Friday, 23 May 2014

Record of School Achievement: What students receive

While most students complete the Higher School Certificate (HSC) just over 10 percent leave school before the HSC.

They move straight into the workforce and/or to further education opportunities in their chosen field.

In the past, these students would have received their School Certificate with their Year 10 results and no additional information from BOSTES if they went on to participate in some Year 11 or Year 12 courses.

To address the information gap that had existed for students attending school beyond Year 10, BOSTES developed the Record of School Achievement or RoSA, which was first awarded to students in 2012.

The RoSA is a cumulative credential. It details all results for a student up until the date of leaving school. The RoSA has immediate use for students leaving school prior to getting their HSC.

As it is cumulative, the information shown on any given student's RoSA will change depending on when the student leaves school.

Here is a brief overview of what students will receive:

Successfully completing Stage 5 and leaving at the end of Year 10

These students will receive a RoSA listing their Stage 5 courses with an A to E grade for each course as well as achievement details for any completed Vocational Education and Training (VET) or Life Skills courses.

Leaving during Year 11

Students leaving during Year 11 before they complete any Preliminary courses will receive a RoSA that lists their Stage 5 courses with their results as well as a list of Preliminary courses they participated in and the date they left school.

Leaving at the end of Year 11

Students completing Year 11 will receive a RoSA listing their Stage 5 and Preliminary courses with their results.

Leaving during Year 12

Students leaving during Year 12 before completing their HSC courses and examinations will receive a RoSA listing both their Stage 5 and Preliminary courses with their results and also a list of HSC courses they participated in and the date they left school.

Literacy and Numeracy tests
Students intending to leave school before the HSC can also take voluntary literacy and numeracy tests. These tests were developed by BOSTES in response to feedback from employer groups that evidence of these skills was highly regarded and an important consideration when making employment decisions.

The tests are taken at school and there are two opportunities each year – May and October. It is important that students who would like to leave school before October and want to take the tests let their school know as soon as possible. Students can take the tests and still decide to stay on at school.

Important information
Students Online is a purpose-built website for NSW senior students.

All students from Year 10 onwards have access to their personalised Students Online account. This portal is managed by BOSTES and gives students access to their results for Years 10, 11 and 12.

Students can generate an interim report known as a Student eRecord. A Student eRecord can be printed and shown at job interviews or to further education providers.

Students should speak to their school if they do not have access to their Students Online account.

For more information, contact:
Chris Thompson
Project Manager
EAC-Student Support Services
(02) 9367 8069