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Friday, 17 Oct 2014

Monitoring of Year 10 and 11 grades

BOSTES monitors the grades each school submits for Stage 5 and Preliminary courses. This monitoring involves reviewing the patterns of A to E grades across courses and over time. As a result of this monitoring, schools may be asked to review the grades awarded and provide samples of student work representing achievement at different grade levels.

In 2013, 174 schools were contacted and asked to review the grades they had awarded in one or more courses. Since 2012, 26 schools have been asked to provide student work samples to demonstrate their understanding of A to E grades. These work samples are reviewed by panels of experienced teachers. Feedback on how the work samples align to the published standards for the course is provided to the school. The review of student work samples is an important part of the grade monitoring process to ensure that there is consistency in the grades awarded across the state.

Information about the requirement to retain student work samples is available on the BOSTES website.

For more information, contact:
Michelle Mitcherson
Head, Quality in Credentialling

(02) 9367 8269